King III, 2021 edit.
Love Soldier
Love Soldier - Black
Love Soldier - Blue
Love Soldier Greenbrown
Galaxy Elephant
Love Soldier Orangegrey
Bad Sound Kills
Fuck Normality
The Ball - Flower edit. V1
Dark Smiley
Butterfly Gun
Black King
Black Lioness
Bad Cat
Trooper Lockdown
Moon Circus
Flower Surfer
Be your own Hero
Butterfly Astronaut
Black Tiger Painting
Trooper Lockdown Bluered
Trooper Flowers, 2021 edit
Blind Love Yellow Limited
Femmes de Cirque Light
Balloon skull Limited
Balloon skull Limited
Space Ride
Trooper Battle
Artstronaut White
Artstronaut Black
Artstronaut Splash White
Artstronaut Splash Black
Lost in Space
Butterfly Astronaut V1
Butterfly Astronaut V2
Butterfly Astronaut V3
Butterfly Astronaut V7
ROAR! (He)
ROAR! (She)
Rocket Pineapple
Space Balloons
Out of Space v.1
Native Queen
Space bear
Space Balloons
Butterfly Masquerade
Out of Space v.2
All seeing eye
All seeing eye
The Exit
Pencil Power
Native Queen BW
Miss Balloon
Abstract Thoughts IV Greynavy
Space Ball
Artstronaut Splash White Upper
Skull Chaos
Candyman Blue V1
MR. Balloon
Space Invaders
Art Collages V1
Love Wins
Candyman Pink V1
Butterfly Masquerade
Abstract Thoughts II V2
Endless Love YB Pink
Flower Man BW
Moon Face
Abstract Thoughts V2
Flower God BW
Endless Road
Flower Sound Orange
Space Fries (Cold edit)
Abstract Thoughts IV Greyorange
Endless Road II Black
Maneki Meow YB v1
Artstronaut Splash Black Upper
Abstract Thoughts IV Greypink
Hoops Hero (Black)
Mindtology (Pink)
Space Fries (Warm edit)
Artstronaut Splash Black Lower
Abstract Thoughts IV Blueorange
Abstract Thoughts II V1
Maneki Meow YB v2
Mindtology (Orange)
World Heart Green
The Squad Painting
The last stop
Holy Game
Blind Love
Blind Love
Galaxy Mona
The last stop II
Wild Leopard
Fake Love
Klub Kingz Painting
Lollipop Horse
Candyfloss Horse
The last king
Lollipop Horse Yellowpurple
Galaxy Carousel
Galaxy Tower
The Contrast
The Vanish Light
Gum Lighthouse
Flower Grenade
Gum Astronaut
The Contrast III
She Hero
He Hero
The Contrast V
The Vanish II
The Vanish II
The Vanish II (Mirrored)
The Vanish II (Mirrored)
The Last Supper
Candyfloss Horse Space (White border)
Candyfloss Horse Space Square
The Vanish IV Rose
The Vanish IV Warm edit
The Vanish IV Cold edit
The Vanish IV Dark
The Vanish IV
The Vanish IV Light
Batman's Bakery
Rubber Duck
The Smiley White
Flower Monitoring
The Smiley Black
Flower Grenade
Rubber Duck II
Femmes de Cirque Light
Galaxy Tower
Galaxy Carousel
The Vanish Light
Gum Lighthouse
The Trooper Lightblueorange
Abstract Thoughts II V1
The Trooper Lightpurple
The Trooper Blackpink Lower
The Trooper Blackpink Upper
The Trooper Lightblueorange Lower
The Trooper Purplepink Lower
The Trooper Purplepink Upper
Points Yellowbrown
Points Orange
Flower Minds Zoom
Endless Love Orangeblue
The Trooper BW
Trooper Battle
Space Ride
The Trooper Blackorange
The Trooper Greyorange
The Trooper Armyorange
The Trooper Yellowpink
The Trooper Purplepink
The Trooper Blackblue
The Trooper Blackyellow
The Trooper Blackgreen
The Trooper Blackorange Upper
The Trooper Lightgreen Upper
The Trooper Blackpink
The Trooper Blackorange Lower
The Trooper Lightblueorange
Endless Road II White
The Trooper Lightpinkgreen
The Trooper Armyorange Upper
The Trooper Lightgreen Lower
The Trooper Greyorange Upper
The Trooper Greyyellow
The Trooper Greypink
The Trooper YB
The Trooper Armyorange Lower
The Trooper BW Lower
The Trooper BW Upper
The Trooper Greyorange Lower
The Trooper Greyblue
The Trooper Lightorange
The Trooper Pinkyellow Upper
The Trooper Blackblue Upper
The Trooper Greypink Lower
The Trooper Greypink Upper
The Trooper Greyblue Upper
The Trooper Lightpink
The Trooper Pinkyellow Lower
The Trooper Blackblue Lower
The Trooper Blackgreen Lower
The Trooper Blackgreen Upper
The Trooper YB Upper
The Trooper Yellowpink Upper
Trooper Lockdown
Trooper Flowers, 2021 edit
Planet Flower
Trooper Lockdown Bluered
The Contrast V
Flower Surfer
The Colorfall II
Moon Circus
The Vanish II
The Vanish II
Blind Love Yellow Limited
Holy Water YB
Planet Popcorn Red
Planet Popcorn Red
Flower Man White Can
Flower Man Black Can
Planet Popcorn BW
Planet Popcorn BW
The Vanish II (Mirrored)
The Vanish II (Mirrored)
He Hero
She Hero
The Trooper Blackyellow Lower
The Trooper Blackyellow Upper
The Trooper YB Lower
The Trooper Yellowpink Lower
The Trooper Lightpurple Lower
The Trooper Lightpurple Upper
The Trooper Lightorange Lower
Meow Meow
Artstronaut Black
Artstronaut White
Artstronaut Splash White
Artstronaut Splash Black
The Ball - Flower edit. V1
Donut Planet
Butterfly Gun
The Trooper Lightblueorange Upper
Artstronaut Splash Black Lower
Meow Meow v2
Abstract Thoughts II V2 Square
The Trooper Lightpink Lower
The Trooper Lightpink Upper
The Trooper Greyblue Lower
The Trooper Pinkyellow
The Trooper Pink
The Trooper Orange
Crying Girl Original (White Border)
Abstract Thoughts IV Pink
Abstract Thoughts IV Armybrown
Points Purpleorange
Crying Girl Orangepurple
The Trooper Pink Lower
The Trooper Pink Upper
The Trooper Orange Lower
The Trooper Orange Upper
Abstract Thoughts IV Bluegrey
Points Pinkorange
Deep Minds Grey
Astrobear Flower V1
Astrobear Flower V1 Mirrored
Deep Minds Greyblack
Astrobears Blackgold Black
The Trooper WB
Astrobears Whitegoldblack White Mirrored
The Take-Away V6
The Take-Away V1
Astrobear Whitegoldblack White
Full Bernie
Astrobears Whitegoldblack White
The Take-Away V2
Astrobear Greygold Army White Mirrored
Astrobears Blackgold Black Mirrored
Astrobear Whitegoldblack White Mirrored
The Trooper Lightpinkgreen Lower
The Trooper WB lower
The Trooper WB upper
Deep Minds Blackgrey
Take-Away V8
Take-Away V7
The Take-Away V3
Astrobears Whitegoldblack Black
Astrobears Goldwhiteblack White
The Take-Away V9
The Trooper Lightpinkgreen Upper
The Trooper Red BW
The Take-Away V4
Astrobear Greygold Army Black Mirrored
Astrobears Whitegoldblack Black Mirrored
Astrobear Whitegoldblack Black
Circles in a Box V2
Circles in a Box V1
Astrobear Yellow BW
The Trooper Red BW upper
The Trooper Red BW lower
The Take-Away V5
Astrobear Greygold Army White
Astrobear Greygold Army Black
Astrobears Goldwhiteblack White Mirrored
Astrobear Whitegoldblack Black Mirrored
Astrobear Pinkorange Mirrored
Astrobear Pinkorange
Astrobear Yellow BW Mirrored
Astrobear Greyorange Mirrored
Astrobear Greyorange
Astrobear Greywhite
Astrobear Silvergold Black Mirrored
Astrobear Silvergold Black
Astrobear Silvergold White Mirrored
Astrobear Silvergold White
Astrobear Blackgold Black Mirrored
Astrobear Blackgold Black
Astrobear Blackgold White Mirrored
Astrobear Blackgold White
Astrobear Splash YB Mirrored
Astrobear Splash YB
Astrobear Splash Whiteblack
Astrobear Splash Whiteblack Mirrored
Astrobear Splash Blackwhite Mirrored
Astrobear Splash Blackwhite
Bears walk on Moon V2
Bears walk on Moon V1
Astrobear Blackwhite Mirrored
Astrobear Black Mirrored
Astrobear White Mirrored
Astrobear Whiteblack Mirrored
Astrobear White
Astrobear Whiteblack
Astrobear Black
Astrobear Blackwhite
Astrobear Blacksilver Mirrored
Astrobear Blacksilver
Astrobear Whitesilver Mirrored
Astrobear Whitesilver
Astrobear Whitegold Mirrored
Astrobear Whitegold
Astrobear Blackgold Mirrored
Astrobear Blackgold
Deep Sun
Deep Sun (Text edit)
Tin World Blueorange
Tin World (Cold edit)
Tin World (Warm edit)
Astrobear Greywhite Mirrored
The Trooper Lightorange Upper
The Trooper Lightgreen
The Trooper Greyyellow Upper
The Trooper Greyyellow Lower
Deep Minds Flower Grey
Astrobear Goldenblue
Astrobear Goldenblue Mirrored
9 Troopers White border
Astrobear Brown Army
Astrobear Brown Army Mirrored
Astrobear Ball WB White Mirrored
Astrosnacks YB Limited edition
The Trooper Army Yellowgrey
Astrobear Ball WB Black
Astrobear Ball WB White
Astrobears Flower Circle Black
Astrobears Flower Circle Yellow
The Trooper Invert V1
Astrobear Ball WB Black Mirrored
The Trooper Army Yellowgrey Lower
The Trooper Army Yellowgrey Upper
Astrobear Gold NYC
Lost in Space
Heavens Arena
Astrobear Silver Tokyo (Cold)
Space Ocean
Astrobear V2 White
Astrobear V2 White Deepgold
Astrobear V2 Silver
Astrobear V2 Deepgold White
Astrobear V2 Greywhite
Astrobear V2 Flowers Pastelpink
Astrobear Silver Tokyo (Warm)
Astrobear Ball 80s BW V1
Astrobear V2 Deepgold
Astrobear V2 Purplewhite White
Astrobear V2 Black Strokes
Astrobear V2 White Strokes
Astrobear V2 Whitegold Black
Astrobear Silver Tokyo (Warm) White border
Astrobear Ball 80s BW V2
Astrobear Ball 80s V2
Astrobear Ball 80s V1
The View
Space Kick
Space Kick Square
Space Kick Square (White border)
The Gunvernment
Candyfloss Horse Space Square
Candyfloss Horse Space (White border)
Astrobear V2 Whitegold White
Astrobear Ball Army Pinkblue Grey
Astrobear Ball Army Yellowblue Brown
Astrobear Silver Tokyo (Cold) White border
Astrobear Gold NYC White border
Astrobear Ball 80s V4
Astrobear Ball 80s V3
Astrobear V2 Black Ninja
The Trooper Orangeblue Mix
Astrobear V2 Asian Ninja
The Trooper Yellowpurple Mix
Astrobear V2 Black
The Trooper Purpleorange Mix
Space Fries (Cold edit)
Astrobear V2 Light Army
Astrobear V2 Ninja V2
The Trooper Greenpink Mix
Astrobear V2 Floral Blue
The Trooper Black
The Trooper Greenorange Mix
The Trooper Greyblue Mix
The Trooper Blueorange Mix
Space Fries (Warm edit)
Fat Astronaut 00W Blue Chocolate
Fat Astronaut 45B Whitegold
Astrobear V2 Dark Greygreen
Astrobear V2 Dark Greyyellow
Astrobear V2 Ninja V3
The Trooper Peachblue Mix
The Trooper Peachyellow Mix
Fat Astronaut 00W Blue Chocolate Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 00B Whiteblack
Fat Astronaut 00B Whitegold
Fat Astronaut 45B Whitegold Mirrored
Astrobear V2 Blueorange
Pencil Power II
Fat Astronaut 00W Whitegold Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 00W Whitegold
Fat Astronaut 00B Whiteblack Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 00Y Whiteblack Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 00Y Whiteblack
Fat Astronaut 00B White Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 00B White
Fat Astronaut 00B Whitegold Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 45B White
Fat Astronaut 90B Whitegold Mirrored
Fat Astronaut 90B Whitegold
Astrobear V2 Whiteyellow
Venus Bubbles V1
The Court V4
The Court V3
The Court V2
The Court V1
7 Dots
The Vanish IV
Dark Sun
The Square V1
7 Dots V2
The Vanish IV Dark
The Vanish IV Warm edit
Blue Moon
The Vanish IV Rose
Full Circle V6
The Square V7
The Square V2
The Square V6
Full Circle V4
Full Circle V3
The Square V5
The Vanish IV Light
Full Circle V5
Full Circle V2
Full Circle V1
The Square V8
The Vanish IV Cold edit
Candyman Blue V1
Art Collages V1
Candyman Pink V1
Flower Sound Orange
Hoops Hero (Black)
Mindtology (Pink)
Mindtology (Orange)
Mindblow (Original)
Mindtology (Yellow)
Mindblow (Cold)
Mindblow (Warm)
Mindblow (Brown)
Mindblow (Purple)
Darkness Supervisor (Light)
Butterfly Astronaut V3
Le Sporting V1
The Orange Garden
Contemporary Freedom
Butterfly Astronaut V1
Art Mag V3.1
Le Sporting V2 BW
Art Mag V6
Flower Circles V3
Flower Circles V1
Summer Galerie V3
Butterfly Astronaut V2
Bauhaus V1
Weekend Vibes V1
Art Mag - Baby Hero
Flower Circles V2
Geometria V2
Geometria V1
Summer Galerie V4
Butterfly Astronaut V7
Lune Bleue V3
Le Sporting V3
Summer Galerie V2
Art Mag V7
Art Mag V5
Art Mag V5 (White Border)
Art Mag V4.2
The Gravity (Pink)
Mountain Sunset
Art Mag Black
Astrobear V2 Dark Greyblue
ART MAG Astrobear V2
ART MAG Astrobear V1
Designers Club Tokyo Black
Designers Club Tokyo White
Art Mag V3.2
Art Mag V3.3
Art Mag V3.4
Onirique V1
Geometria V6